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公告时间:2024-04-19 15:58:59

Environmental, Social, and
Governance Report
Meihua Holdings Group Co., Ltd.
Email: mhzqb@meihuagrp.com
Tel: +86 0316-2359652
Address: No.66 HuaxiangRoad, Economic and Technical Development Area,
Langfang City, Hebei Province, China, 065001

01 Meihua Holdings Group Co., Ltd. Contents Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023 02
Chapter I Improving Chapter II Prioritizing
the ESG Governance Product Responsibility
ESG Organizational Structure 17 Strengthening Quality Management and Control 25
ESG Statement of the Board 18 Attaching Importance to Work Safety 28
ESG Compliance Governance 18 Keeping Continuous R&D and Innovation 32
Stakeholders' Participation 19 Providing Excellent Customer Service 35
Analysis of the Substantial Issues 20 Guarding Information Security 36
Business Ethics and Anti-corruption 21
About This Report 03 03 04
Message From Chairman 05
About Meihua Group 07 Chapter III Building Chapter IV Addressing
the Future Together Climate Changes
Talent-driven Development 39 Climate Change Control 51
Talent Team Building 44 Low-carbon Environmental Protection Action 54
Valuing Both Health and Care 46 Effect of Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction 57
Appendixes 05 06
Index of Indicators 73
Feedback Form 78 Chapter V Building Chapter VI Achieving
a Green Factory Win-win with All Walks of Life
Environmental Protection First 61 Sustainable Supply Chain 69
Management of Water Resources 63 The Banner of Party Building 71
Promotion of Pollution Control 65 Active Community Participation


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