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公告时间:2024-09-29 16:28:53
Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd.
Semi-Annual Report 2024
August 16, 2024

Section I. Important Declaration, Contents and Definitions
The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and
senior managers of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
“Company”)herebyguaranteethattheinformationpresentedinthis semi-annual
report is authentic, accurate and complete, and free of any false records,
misleading statements or material omissions, and shall undertake individual and
joint legal liabilities.
Lv Liang, the Company’s legal representative and the officer in charge of
accounting, and Qiu Renbo, head of accounting department (accounting
supervisor) hereby declare and guarantee that the financial statements in this
semi-annual report are authentic, accurate and complete.
All directors have attended the Board of Directors meeting to review this
semi-annual report.
The future plans, development strategies and other forward-looking
statements in this semi-annual report shall not be considered as substantial
commitment of the Company to investors. Investors and related parties should be
fully aware of the risks, and understand the differences between plans, forecasts
and commitments.
The risks the Company faces in operation include industry policy and
product price reduction risk, new drug R&D risk, investment and M&Arisk and
exchange rate fluctuation risk. For details, please refer to “X. Risks and
Countermeasures” in “Section III. Management’s Discussion and Analysis”.
Therefore, investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to possible investment
The dividend distribution scheme approved at the meeting of the Board of
Directors is asfollows:Onthebasisof1,754,262,548sharesthatareobtainedafter
removing 65,000 restricted shares that have not been repurchased and canceled
from the total share capital of 1,754,327,548 shares of the Company, 3.50 yuan
(before tax) of cash dividends per ten common shares will be distributed to all
shareholders; a total of 0 bonus share (before tax) will be issued; and no capital
reserve will be converted to increase the capital stock.
According to “Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen StockExchange”, if listed
companies have both Chinese and other language version of public notice, they
the original version in Chinese shall prevail.


Section I. Important Declaration, Contents and Definitions ......2
Section II. Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators......9
Section III. Management's Discussion andAnalysis ......12
Section IV. Corporate Governance ......63
Section V. Environmental and Social Responsibilities......70
Section VI. Important Matters......89
Section VII. Share Change and Shareholders...... 122
Section VIII. Information on Preferred Shares ...... 135
Section IX. Information on Bonds ...... 136
Section X. Financial Report...... 137
Contents of Reference File
(I) Financial statements signed and stamped by the legal representative, the person in charge of accounting work and the head of
accounting institution (accounting manager).
(II) The original of all Company’s documents publicly disclosed in the press designated by CSRC during the reporting period and
the original of announcements.

Term refers to Definition
CSRC refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission
SSE refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Huadong Medicine/the Company/our Company refers to Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd.
CGE refers to China Grand Enterprises, Inc.
Huadong Medicine Group refers to Hangzhou Huadong Medicine Group Co., Ltd.
Zhongmei Huadong refers to Hangzhou Zhongmei Huadong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Jiangdong Company refers to Hangzhou Zhongmei Huadong Pharmaceutical
Jiangdong Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Joyang refers to Joyang Laboratories
Xi’an Bohua/ Bohua Pharmaceutical refers to Huadong Medicine (Xi’an) Bohua Pharmaceutical Co.,
Jiuyuan Gene refers to Hangzhou Jiuyuan Gene Engineering Co., Ltd.
Doer Biologics refers to Zhejiang Doer Biologics Co., Ltd.
Huadong Ningbo refers to Huadong Ningbo Medicine Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Peg-Bio refers to Chongqing Peg-Bio Biopharm Co., Ltd.
Qyuns Therapeutics refers to Qy


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