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公告时间:2024-08-30 18:34:39

August 2024

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions
The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of Konka Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
“Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the contents of
this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.
Cao Shiping, the Company’s legal representative, Nie Yong, the Company’s Chief Financial
Officer (CFO), and Ping Heng, the head of the Company’s financial department (equivalent to
financial manager) hereby guarantee that the Financial Statements carried in this Report are
factual, accurate and complete.
All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report
and its summary.
Any plans for the future or other forward-looking statements mentioned in this Report and its
summary shall NOT be considered as absolute promises of the Company to investors.
Therefore, investors are reminded to exercise caution when making investment decisions.
The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.
This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there
be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions
shall prevail.

Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions...... 2
Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information...... 8
Part III Management Discussion andAnalysis...... 11
Part IV Corporate Governance......22
Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility......24
Part VI Significant Events......36
Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information......50
Part VIII Preferred Shares......54
Part IX Corporate Bonds......55
Part X Financial Statements......59
DocumentsAvailable for Reference
1. The financial statements with the signatures and seals of the Company’s legal representative,
Chief Financial Officer and head of the financial department;
2. The originals of all the Company’s documents and announcements disclosed to the public in the
Reporting Period; and
3. The documents above are available at the Secretariat of the Board.

Term Definition
The “Company”, the “Group”, “Konka Group” or Konka Group Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries, except where the
“we” context otherwise requires
Electronics Technology Shenzhen Konka Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.
Haimen Konka Nantong Haimen Konka Smart Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Konka Smart Chengdu Konka Smart Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Konka Electronic Chengdu Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.
Nantong Hongdin Nantong Hongdin Smart Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Kangcheng Shenzhen Kangcheng Technology Innovation and Development Co., Ltd.
Xiaojia Technology Xiaojia Technology Co., Ltd.
Liaoyang Kangshun Smart Liaoyang Kangshun Smart Technology Co., Ltd.
Liaoyang Kangshun Renewable Liaoyang Kangshun Renewable Resources Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Konka Nanjing Konka Electronics Co., Ltd.
Chuzhou Konka Chuzhou Konka Precision Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.
XingDa HongYe GuangDong XingDa HongYe Electronic Co., Ltd.
Konka Circuit Shenzhen Konka Circuit Co., Ltd.
Konka Flexible Electronic Suining Konka Flexible Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Konka Hongye Electronics Suining Konka Hongye Electronics Co., Ltd.
Boluo Precision Boluo Konka Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Boluo Konka Boluo Konka PCB Co., Ltd.
Anhui Tongchuang Anhui Konka Tongchuang Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Konka Smart Jiangsu Konka Smart Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd.
Anhui ElectricalAppliance Anhui Konka Electrical Appliance Technology Co., Ltd.
Frestec Refrigeration Henan Frestec RefrigerationAppliance Co., Ltd.
Frestec Electrical Appliances Henan Frestec Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd.
Frestec HouseholdAppliances Henan Frestec HouseholdAppliances Co., Ltd.
Frestec Smart Home Henan Frestec Smart Home


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