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公告时间:2024-08-30 18:25:45

Shanghai HIUV New Materials Co., Ltd.
About This Report 03
Message from our Chairman 04
About HiUV 05
Focusing on R&D Innovation
Highly Innovative and Dynamic R&D Team 16
Maintaining Leading-edge Technology 17
Professional Intellectual Property Protection 21
Optimizing Customer Service
Full-process Quality Management 24
First-rate Service 25
Eco-friendly Growth Model
Improve Environmental Management 27
Optimize Energy Utilization 28
Minimize Waste Discharge 29
Green Production and Operation 30
Employee and Social Care
Harmonious and Inclusive Work Environment 33
Employee Career Development Plan 35
Occupational Safety and Health 38
Employee Benefits 40
Social Responsibility 42
About This Report
Report Instruction
This report is the 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report published by Shanghai HIUV New Materials Co., Ltd. For
all stakeholders, it is intended to disclose the company's concepts, actions, and achievements in ESG and sustainable development. We
hope stakeholders will gain a deeper understanding of us through this report and provide valuable feedback.
Report Scope Data Source
This report covers an organizational scope including The financial data in this report is derived from the
Shanghai HIUV New Materials Co., Ltd. and its audited 2023 annual report. In case of any
subsidiaries (referred to as "HIUV," "the Company," discrepancies, the annual report shall prevail. Other data
"the Group," or "we"), focusing on fulfilling social is sourced from the company's internal management
responsibility. It provides a truthful and objective system. All monetary amounts mentioned in this report
reflection of the company's significant information are denominated in RMB, unless otherwise specified.
related to social responsibility in the course of its
business and management activities.
Time Range Report Access
This report covers a time range from January 1, 2023 This report is available in both physical and electronic
to December 31, 2023. To enhance readability, some versions. The electronic version can be accessed and
content may extend beyond this timescale. downloaded from the Shanghai Stock Exchange website
at www.sse.com.cn.
Report Preparation Criteria Disclaimer
This report has been prepared with reference to Some parts of this report are forward-looking, including
relevant standards and guidelines including statements about business plans, innovative products,
Announcement No. 29 [2018] of the China Securities and strategic planning. These statements refer to
Regulatory Commission—Code of Corporate predictions of future events based on current
Governance of Listed Companies (2018), the SSE circumstances and may be subject to unknown and
Guidelines No.2 on the Application of Self-Regulation uncertain factors, which could result in significant
Rules for Listed Companies on SSE STAR Market - differences from actual outcomes. These forward-
Voluntary Information Disclosure (2022)., the SSE looking or expectation statements do not constitute
Guidelines on Self-Regulation for Listed Companies substantial commitments to investors by the company.
on SSE STAR Market.
Contact Us
Shanghai HIUV New Materials Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 909, Building 1A, No. 3000 Longdong Avenue, Pilot Free Trade Zone,Shanghai 201203, China
Tel: 021-58964211
Email: hiuv@hiuv.net

Message from Our Chairman
Registered in 2005 in the Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai HIUV New
Materials Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in R&D, production, and sales of
specialty polymer films. Centered on film technology, the company is committed to the new
energy and the new materials industries, providing mid-to-high-end film products to its
customers. At present, the company provides various innovative films as its main products,
including a set of encapsulation films for photovoltaic modules, new automotive intelligent
dimming films, eco-friendly surface materials, thermal and noise reduction adhesive films .


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