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公告时间:2024-08-26 16:19:36

37 Interactive Entertainment Network
Technology GroupCo., Ltd.
2024 Interim Report
August 2024
Should therebe any di s crepa ncy between theEnglish version and theChi nes eversion of thi s Report, theChineseversion shall preva i l.
Part I ImportantNotes,Tableof Contentsand Definitions
The Board of Directors (or the“Board”), the Supervisory Committeeas well as thedirectors,
supervisors and senior management of 37 Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee th e truthfulness, accuracy
and completeness of the contents of this Report, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations,misleadingstatementsor material omissionstherein.
Xu Zhigao, the Company’s legal representative, and Ye Wei, the Company’s Chief Financial
Officer & Board Secretary, hereby guarantee that the financial statements carried in this Report
aretruthful,accurateand complete.
All the Company’sdirectors haveattendedtheBoard meeting forthereview of this Report.
Any plans, development strategies and other forward-looking statements in this Report
shall not be deemed as earnings forecasts or promises to investors. Investors and other
stakeholders shall be fully aware of the risk and understand the difference betwee n plans,
forecasts and promises.
Possible risks facing the Company and countermeasures have been detailed in “VII Risks
Facing the Company and Countermeasures” under “Part III Management Discussion and
Analysis” herein,which investors arekindlyreminded to payattentionto.
The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements for listed companies engaged in
softwareand IT services.
The Board has approved an interim dividend plan as follows: based on the total issued
share capital (exclusive of shares in the Company’s account for repurchased shares) on the date
of record, a cash dividend of RMB 2.10 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is planned to be distributed
to all the shareholders of the Company, with no bonus issue from either profit or capital
Should therebe any di s crepa ncy between theEnglish version and theChi nes eversion of thi s Report, theChineseversion shall preva i l.

Table of Contents

Part I ImportantNotes, Table of Contents andDefinitions ...... 2
Part II Corporate Information and KeyFinancial Information ...... 4
Part III Management Discussion and Analysis...... 6
Part IVCorporate Governance...... 25
Part V Environmental andSocial Responsibility...... 28
Part VIShare Changes andShareholderInformation...... 30
Part VII Financial Statements...... 37
Should therebe any di s crepa ncy between theEnglish version and theChi nes eversion of thi s Report, theChineseversion shall preva i l.

Part II CorporateInformationand KeyFinancial Information
I CorporateInformation
Stock name 37 InteractiveEntertainment Stock code 002555
Place oflisting ShenzhenStock Exchange
Company name inChinese 三七互娱网络科技集团股份有限公司
Abbr. (ifany) 三七互娱
Legal representative Xu Zhigao
II ContactInformation
Board Secretary SecuritiesAffairsRepresentative
Name Ye Wei Wang Sijie
Room 7001, 7/F,TowerB1, Wanjiang Room 7001, 7/F,TowerB1, Wanjiang
Officeaddress FortunePlaza, 88 RuixiangRoad, Wuhu City, FortunePlaza, 88 RuixiangRoad, Wuhu City,
AnhuiProvince AnhuiProvince
Tel. 0553-7653737 0553-7653737
Fax 0553-7653737 0553-7653737
Email address ir@37.com ir@37.com
III KeyFinancial Information
Indicateby tick mark whetherthereisany retrospectivelyrestateddatuminthe tablebelow.
□Yes  No
H1 2024 H1 2023 Change (%)
Operatingrevenue(RMB) 9,231,969,089.44 7,760,573,887.29 18.96%
Netprofitattributabletothe Listed 1,264,633,578.95 1,226,061,335.07 3.15%
Company’s shareholders(RMB)
Netprofitattributabletothe Listed
Company’s shareholdersafterdeducting 1,274,632,666.86 1,115,491,118.74 14.27%
non-recurringprofitsand losses(RMB)
Netcash flowsfrom operatingactivities 2,129,183,514.99 2,319,957,176.41 -8.22%
Basicearnings pershare (RMB/share) 0.57 0.55 3.64%


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