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公告时间:2024-08-22 18:38:14

ChangchaiCompany, Limited Interim Report 2024 (Summary)
StockCode:000570,200570 StockName:Changchai, Changchai-B AnnouncementNo. 2024-027
Part I Important Notes
This Summary is based on the full Interim Report of Changchai Company, Limited (together with its consolidated
subsidiaries, the “Company”, except where the context otherwise requires). In order for a full understanding of the
Company’s operating results, financial condition and future development plans, investors should carefully read
the aforesaid full text, which has been disclosed together with this Summary on the media designated by the China
Securities Regulatory Commission (the “CSRC”).
All theCompany’sdirectorshaveattendedthe Boardmeeting forthe review of this Reportandits summary.
Independentauditor’smodified opinion:
□ Applicable Not applicable
Board-approvedinterimcashand/orstock dividend plan for ordinaryshareholders:
□ Applicable Not applicable
TheCompanyhasno interim dividend plan, either in the formof cash or stock.
Board-approvedinterimcashand/orstock dividend plan for preferenceshareholders:
□ Applicable Not applicable
This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies
or misunderstandings betweenthetwo versions,theChinese versions shall prevail.
Part II Key Corporate Information
Stockname Changchai, Stockcode 000570,200570
Stockexchange ShenzhenStockExchange
Contactinformation BoardSecretary Securities Representative
Name He Jianjiang
Office address 123 Huaide Middle Road,
Changzhou,Jiangsu, China
Tel. (86)519-68683155
E-mail address cchjj@changchai.com

ChangchaiCompany, Limited Interim Report 2024 (Summary)
2.Key FinancialInformation
Indicate by tick markwhetherthere is anyretrospectively restateddatumin the table below.
□Yes No
H1 2024 H1 2023 Change (%)
Operatingrevenue(RMB) 1,495,909,152.63 1,350,517,639.85 10.77%
Net profit attributable to the listed 50,097,655.15 131,937,324.66 -62.03%
Net profit attributable to the listed
company’sshareholdersbefore 59,846,264.97 5,825,543.98 927.31%
exceptional gains and losses (RMB)
Net cashgeneratedfrom/usedin operating -161,814,513.00 -104,796,816.75 ——
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share(RMB/share) 0.0710 0.1870 -62.03%
Diluted earnings per share(RMB/share) 0.0710 0.1870 -62.03%
Weighted average returnon equity (%) 1.47% 3.93% -2.46%
30 June2024 31 December2023 Change (%)
Totalassets(RMB) 5,329,179,139.07 5,159,394,958.92 3.29%
Equity attributable to the listed company’s 3,372,290,234.40 3,398,946,911.23 -0.78%
3.Shareholdersand Their Holdingsasatthe endofthe ReportingPeriod
Unit: share
Number of preference
Numberof ordinaryshareholders 53,323 shareholders with resumed 0
voting rights (if any)
Top10shareholders(excluding lending sharesthrough refinancing)
Nameof Natureof Shareholding Numberof shares Restricted markedor
shareholder shareholder percentage shares frozen
Status Shar
Changzhou State-owned
InvestmentGroup legal person 32.26% 227,663,417 56,818,181
ChenJian natural 0.52% 3,700,000
person N/A 0
KGIASIA Foreign 0.44% 3,101,695 0
LIMITED legal person
SongYang natural


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