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公告时间:2024-08-20 19:32:38
2024 Semi-annual Report
August 2024

Section I Important Notes, Contents, and Interpretations
The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and directors,
supervisors, and senior executives of the Company guarantee that the present
semi-annual report is true, accurate, and complete without false records,
misleading statements, or major omissions, and undertake the joint and
several legal liabilities arising therefrom.
Fu Chunlong, head of the Company, Huang Tianyang, the person in
charge of accounting, and Yu Taiping, the person in charge of the accounting
firm (accountant in charge) declare to guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy,
and completeness of the financial report in this semi-annual report.
All directors of the Company have attended the meeting of the Board of
Directors to review the semi-annual report.
The Company has described the potential risks in detail in this report.
Investors are hereby kindly requested to pay attention to and read "X. Risks
Faced by the Company and Countermeasures" of "Section III Management
Discussion and Analysis" within this report.
The Company has no plans to distribute cash dividends, issue bonus
shares, and convert reserved funds into share capital.

Table of Contents

Section I Important Notes, Contents, and Interpretations...... 2
Section II Company Profile and Major Financial Indicators...... 6
Section III Management Discussion and Analysis......9
Section IV Corporate Governance......24
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility...... 25
Section VI Important Matters......26
Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders...... 36
Section VIII Preferred Shares......41
Section IX Bonds......42
Section X Financial Report......43
List of Reference Documents
I. Accounting statements signed and sealed by the legal representative, the person in charge of accounting, and
the person in charge of the accounting firm.
II. Originals of all company documents and announcements that have been publicly disclosed during the
reporting period.
III. The above documents for future reference shall be kept at the Secretariat Office of the Board of Directors of
the Company.

Interpretation term refers to Interpretation content
CSRC refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSE refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange
CSDC Shenzhen Branch refers to Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and
Clearing Corporation Limited
Company, the Company, and Tellus Holding refers to SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.
Reporting period, this reporting period refers to The first half of 2024
the State-owned Assets Supervision and Management
Shenzhen SASAC refers to Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People's
SDG, SDG Group, and controlling shareholder refers to Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Group
Co., Ltd.
SIHC refers to Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Jewelry, SJIS refers to Shenzhen Jewelry Industry Service Co., Ltd.
Guorun, Guorun Gold refers to Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
Tellus Treasury, Treasury refers to Shenzhen Tellus Treasury Supply Chain Treasury
Supply Chain Company
Shanghai Fanyue, Fanyue refers to Shanghai Fanyue Diamond Co., Ltd.
Zhongtian Company refers to Shenzhen Zhongtian Industry Co., Ltd.
Automobile Industry and Trade Company refers to Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.
SDG Huari refers to Shenzhen SDG Huari Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Huari Toyota refers to Shenzhen Huari Toyota Sales & Service Co., Ltd.
Renfu Tellus refers to Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles Service Co., Ltd.
GAC refers to Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China
Tellus Jewelry Building, Jewelry Building refers to Tellus Shuibei Jewelry Building
Tellus Gold and Diamond Building, Gold and Diamond refers to Tellus Gold and Diamond Trading Building
Comprehensive Trade Platform refers to Shenzhen International Jewelry and Jade


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