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公告时间:2024-04-19 15:59:48

Company Code: 600873 Short name: Meihua Bio
Meihua Holdings Group Co., Ltd.
Annual Report 2023
This is an English translation from theAnnual Report 2023, in case of any
inconsistency, the Chinese Version shall prevail.

Important Information
I. The Company’s board of directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors, and officers
guarantee that the contents of this annual report are true, accurate, and complete without any false
records, misleading statements, or material omissions and bear joint and several legal liability.
II. All of the Company’s directors have attended the board meeting.
III. Da Hua CPAs LLP (special general partnership) has issued an unqualified audit report for the
IV. Wang Aijun, the principal of the Company, Wang Lihong, the accounting principal, and Wang
Ailing, the principal of the accounting body (the accounting officer), hereby declare that they
guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the financial report in the annual report.
V. Profit distribution plan or capital reserve conversion plan for the Reporting Period as approved
by the Board
Upon deliberation and approval of the 9th meeting of the 10th session of the board of directors, the profit
distribution plan (proposal) for 2023 is as follows: with the total share capital registered on the registration
date of equity distribution as the basis (before deducting the number of shares in the share repurchase
account, the Company has a total of 2,943,426,102 shares in share capital; there are 69,634,252 shares in
the share repurchase account, and after deducting those shares, the number of shares is 2,873,791,850), a
dividend of 4.17 yuan (inclusive of tax) for every 10 shares is to be distributed to all shareholders, and a
total of approximately 1.2 billion yuan (inclusive of tax) in cash dividend is estimated to be distributed.The
plan is yet to be submitted to the general meeting for deliberation. The amount that is actually distributed
will be subject to the notification on equity distribution published by the Company. If there is any change
in the Company’s total share capital before the registration date of equity distribution, the total amount to
be distributedwillremain unchanged, and thedistribution proportion persharewill beadjusted accordingly.
VI. Risk Disclosure on Forward-Looking Statements
√ Applicable Not applicable
This annual report involves forward-looking descriptions such as future plans, and such statements do not
constitute material commitments for investors. Investors are reminded to pay attention to the risk of
VII. Any occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder or other affiliates for non-operating
VIII. Any external guarantee that violates the decision-making procedures
IX. Is it the case that more than half of the directors cannot guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy,
and completeness of the annual report disclosed by the Company?
X. Warning of Key Risks
For thedetails of the risksfacing theCompany, referto the“PotentialRisks”part in“Section 3 Discussion
and Analysis by the Management” and the “Risks Related to Financial Instruments” part in “Section 10
Financial Report”.
XI. Miscellaneous
 Applicable √Not applicable


Section 1 Definitions...... 4
Section 2 Company Overview and Key Financial Indicators...... 7
Section 3 Discussion andAnalysis by the Management...... 12
Section 4 Corporate Governance...... 47
Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility...... 66
Section 6 Significant Matters...... 80
Section 7 Share Changes and Shareholders...... 96
Section 8 Information on Preferred Shares...... 103
Section 9 Information on Securities...... 103
Section 10 Financial Report...... 104
Financial statements signed and sealed by the Company’s principal, the accounting principal, and
the principal of the accounting body (the accounting officer)
List of documents for The original of the audit report sealed by the CPAs firm and signed and sealed by the certified
reference public accountants
The originals of the Company’s documents and announcements disclosed on the website of the
Shanghai Stock Exchange during the Reporting Period

Section 1 Definitions
I. Definitions
In this report, the terms below have the following meanings, unless the context otherwise requires:
Definitions of common terms
Company, the Company, the
listed company, Meihua means Meihua Holdings Group Co., Ltd., whose stock name is “Meihua Bio” and
Bio, Meihua Group, or stock code is 600873.
Meihua Company
Xinjiang Meihua means Xinjiang Meihua Amino Acid Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the


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