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公告时间:2024-09-20 17:52:23

2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
CONTENTS 1Optimize Management to Promote High-quality Development
1.1 Corporate Governance 21
1.2 Bottom Line for Stabilizing and Controlling Risks 27
1.3 Sustainable Development Management 37
About This Report 01 2 Self-independent Innovation to Promote Industry Development
2.1 Innovative R&D System 43
Chairman's Message 03 2.2 Supply Chain Management 53
2.3 Refined Customer Services 55
About ETEK 05 2.4 Industry Development Promotion 57
Primary Business 07
Development History 09 3 Low-carbon Development, Responding to Carbon Peaking and
Global Layout 11 Carbon Neutrality Goals
Corporate Culture 13
Achievements and Honors 15 3.1 Environmental Management System 61
3.2 Climate Change Response 63
3.3 Emission Management 69
Report Appendix 89 3.4 Green Office 73
4 Uphold a People-oriented Policy to Jointly Build a Better Society
4.1 Protection of Employees' Rights and Interests 77
4.2 Care for Employees' Health 81
4.3 Care for Employees' Development 82
4.4 Enrich Employees' Lives 84
4.5 Dedication to Public Welfare 86

2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
About This Report
This Report is the first Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) report released by Wuxi ETEK
Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: 688601), aiming to comprehensively present the Company’s efforts Notes on Appellations
and achievements in ESG in 2023 to our stakeholders, so that they can better understand the Company’s Wuxi ETEK Microelectronics Co., Ltd. is referred to as the “Company”, “we/our/us” or
sustainable development philosophy, measures and performance. “ETEK” in this Report.
Reporting Period
This Report covers the reporting period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 (the Data Description
“Reporting Period”), with an annual release cycle. This Report is the first edition without a restatement. The qualitative and quantitative
information used comes from the Company’s actual operational raw data, annual financial
Basis of Preparation data, internal statistical reports, etc. Specifically, the financial data cited is from the
financial statements in the 2023 Annual Report, which has been independently audited by
This Report is prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the exchange where the listing an accounting firm. Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit in this Report shall be
is located and the international sustainability disclosure standards, with reference to the RMB.
following disclosure documents:
Guidelines No. 1 of Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR Market for Self-Regulation of Listed Companies- Reliability Assurance


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