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公告时间:2024-08-27 20:01:36

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024 Summary
Stock Code: 000055, 200055 Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B Announcement No. 2024-16
China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
2024 Interim Report Summary
August 2024

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024 Summary
I. Important Declaration
The interim report summary is abstract from the interim report. Investors should read the annual report from the specified media to
fully understand the Company’s business achievements, financial status and future plans.
All the Directors have attended the meeting of the board meeting at which this report was examined.
Non-standard auditing opinion
□Applicable Inapplicable
Profit distribution pre-plan or capitalization plan in the period reviewed by the Board of Directors
□Applicable Inapplicable
The Company will distribute no cash dividends or bonus shares and has no reserve capitalization plan.
The preference share profit distribution pre-plan approved by the Board of Directors
□Applicable Inapplicable
II. General Information
1. Company Profile
Stock ID Fangda Group, Fangda B Stock code 000055, 200055
Stock Exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Modified stock ID (if any) No
Contact Details Secretary of the Board Representative of StockAffairs
Name Xiao Yangjian Guo Linchen
39th Floor, Building T1, Fangda Town, 39th Floor, Building T1, Fangda Town,
Office address No.2, Longzhu 4th Road, Nanshan No.2, Longzhu 4th Road, Nanshan
District, Shenzhen District, Shenzhen
Telephone 86(755) 26788571 ext. 6622 86(755) 26788571 ext. 6622
Email zqb@fangda.com zqb@fangda.com
2. Financial Highlight
Whether the Company needs to make retroactive adjustment or restatement of financial data of previous years
□ Yes No
This report period Same period last year Year-on-year change
Turnover (yuan) 2,133,845,587.76 2,078,846,877.32 2.65%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed 116,795,117.62 182,155,268.18 -35.88%
company (yuan)
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the
listed company and after deducting of non- 111,689,105.39 172,484,336.75 -35.25%
recurring gain/loss (yuan)
Net cash flow generated by business operation -171,530,998.21 -37,313,711.13 -359.70%
Basic earnings per share (yuan/share) 0.11 0.17 -35.29%
Diluted Earnings per share (yuan/share) 0.11 0.17 -35.29%
Weighted average net income/asset ratio 1.95% 3.14% -1.19%
End of the report End of last year Year-on-year change

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024 Summary
Total asset (yuan) 13,756,615,957.93 13,376,351,856.86 2.84%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the 6,019,556,660.44 5,960,140,567.07 1.00%
listed company (RMB)
The Company's operating income increased by 2.65% in the first half of 2024, while the net profit attributable to shareholders
of the listed company decreased by 35.88%. This is mainly due to the 3.3 percentage point decrease in the overall gross profit
margin caused by the differences in gross profit margins of different projects in the curtain wall and new materials industry and the
rail transit screen door industry; as well as the impact of economic downward pressure, the delay in project settlement and
payment progress has led to an increase in the bad debt loss of receivables accrued in this period.
3. Shareholders and shareholding
In share
Number of shareholders of Number of shareholders of preferred
common shares at the end of the 48,268 stocks of which voting rights recovered 0
report per


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